mobile game development Archives - 300Mind Blog Wed, 18 Oct 2023 10:23:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 mobile game development Archives - 300Mind Blog 32 32 Tips to Help You Reduce Your Mobile Game Development Cost Tue, 09 May 2023 12:50:28 +0000 There are several factors that can affect the cost of mobile game development. In this article, we have given useful tips to reduce mobile game development costs, which will help you in your next project.

The post Tips to Help You Reduce Your Mobile Game Development Cost appeared first on 300Mind Blog.

Video game industry demographics are changing dramatically, perhaps more than any other aspect. It looks like the video game industry will have a bright future as people continue to play games, create more immersive entertainment, and seek out easier access to games.

What started as a drop is now the ocean. What started in the late 1970s as a video game industry is now a market of $286.50 billion in 2023, according to a report by Statista. It also states that the mobile game segment will sport a user base of over 2.3 billion by 2027, making mobile games a massive stream of revenue. The Mobile Games segment will have an average revenue per user of $443 in 2023.

But why mobile game applications are developed at a higher cost is still a big question for many mobile game app development companies. So, below we have presented some solid reasons for higher game development costs.

Why Do Mobile Games Cost So Much to Develop?

Mobile games can be complex to develop, requiring skilled developers and designers to create game mechanics, graphics, sound, and user interface. Additionally, mobile games often need to be optimized for multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android, which can increase the development cost.

Mobile game development companies need to ensure that their games are engaging and addictive, which can involve extensive user testing and iteration. This process can be time-consuming and expensive, especially for larger games with more complex mechanics.

Developing a mobile game is only part of the equation. Developers also need to market and distribute the game effectively to attract players. This can involve advertising, social media promotion, and other marketing tactics, which can add to the overall development cost.

Mobile game development can be a complex and expensive process, but the potential rewards can be significant if the game is successful. Still, we have tried to help you with our research on this topic, you shall be enlightened as you read further.

The Cost of Mobile Game Development

Simple mobile games with basic graphics and gameplay mechanics can be developed for as little as a few thousand dollars, while more complex games with advanced features, 3D graphics, and multiplayer functionality can cost hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars to develop.

Additionally, the cost of ongoing maintenance and updates must also be taken into consideration, as these costs can add up over time.

In general, it is difficult to provide an accurate estimate for the cost of mobile game development without first discussing the specific requirements and needs of the project.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Mobile Game Development

There are several factors that can affect the cost of mobile game development. Some of the most significant factors include:

1. Game complexity

Game complexity

A casual game with basic graphics and gameplay mechanics will be less expensive to develop than a game with more advanced features, 3D graphics, and multiplayer functionality. The more complex a game is, the more time and effort it takes to design, develop, test, and refine it.

For example, the game may require sophisticated graphics, complex game mechanics, artificial intelligence, multiplayer support, or integration with third-party services. Each of these features can add to the complexity of the game and increase its cost.

2. Platform(s) supported

Platform(s) supported

Developing a game for multiple platforms can be more expensive given that each platform will require a separate code base. Each platform has its own set of tools, frameworks, and programming languages, which means developers need to create unique versions of the game for each platform.

Every platform requires expertise in its specific tools and technologies, so developers may need to be trained or hired to work on each platform, which can increase the overall cost of development.

3. Size of the development team

A larger team will generally require a higher budget, as more people will be working on the project. The larger the development team, the more salaries that need to be paid. Each team member, including developers, designers, and quality assurance personnel, needs to be paid for their time and expertise, which can add to the overall cost of development.

4. Location of the development team

Developers in certain regions or countries may have higher or lower hourly rates, which can impact the overall cost of the project.

Development professionals in countries like the US or the UK can charge up to 5X more than their counterparts in countries like Ukraine or India. Given that living expenses in these countries are a lot less, so are the developer’s charges.

Choosing to outsource your game design project to a country like India which is the perfect combination of skilled resources and highly competitive costs can prove to be a game changer for your initiative, massively reducing costs.

5. Design and graphics

Design and Graphics

Advanced graphics and design elements will generally require more time and resources to develop. 2D graphics are generally cheaper to create than 3D graphics.

Complex game designs require more time to create. Designers may need to create concept art, Game design document, and wireframes to determine the overall look and feel of the game.

More complex designs often require more art assets, such as character models, textures, and animations.

Complex game graphics often require more advanced animation techniques. Creating these animations can be time-consuming and require additional resources, which can add to the overall cost of development.

Complex graphics can be resource-intensive, which means they may require more optimization to run smoothly on mobile devices. This optimization can be time-consuming and require additional resources, which can add to the overall cost of development.

6. Testing and quality assurance

Testing and quality assurance

Testing can help ensure that the game is free of bugs and runs smoothly, but it can also be time-consuming and add to the overall cost of development.

Developers need to use various tools and software to test and QA mobile games, which can be expensive. During the testing and QA process, bugs and issues are identified, which requires developers to fix and retest the game. This iterative process can add additional time and cost to the project.

Overall, testing and QA are critical parts of the mobile game development process, as they help ensure that the game is functional, stable, and enjoyable for players. However, the cost of testing and QA should be factored into the budget and timeline for the project to avoid unexpected expenses and delays.

The cost of mobile game development can vary widely depending on the specific needs and requirements of the project. It’s important to carefully consider all of these factors when planning a mobile game development project to ensure that you have an accurate estimate of the cost involved.

Tips to Reduce Game Development Costs

As we have already discussed, mobile game development can prove expensive if not tackled with the required frugality and efficiency. Blindly throwing money at issue doesn’t necessarily guarantee project success. Read on as we discuss the top tips to help you reduce your game development costs without making compromises on quality:

1. Outline Project Requirements

Outline Project Requirements for mobile game development

Knowing what you are getting into before delving headfirst into game development is essential. As the games progenitor, you need to build a detailed PRD (Product Requirement. Document), so that you and your team do not veer into unnecessary complexities later on in the development process.

A PRD will help you in-

  • Creating a complete list of features
  • Mentioning UI/UX guidelines
  • Setting time frames
  • Building budgetary estimates
  • Defining the target platform

2. Build iteratively

Every game development project begins with an idea. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs make the error of following a linear and non-iterative approach to realize their vision.

This proves inefficient as the market is in constant flux and what may have worked yesterday may not remain relevant tomorrow. The only thing you need to steer clear of is feature bloat. Include only those features that are critical to the value proposition of your game.

3. Prototype to perfection

prototype for perfect mobile game development

Prototyping a bare-bones yet clickable version of your product can help in gathering pertinent insights for both user interface and user experience design. Design challenges that may arise at a later date can be circumvented by investing a little time and effort in prototyping a game.

4. An MVP is essential

The best way to succeed fast is to fail often. Creating an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) offers you the opportunity to build a working version of your game and then have it tested by a sample group. Not only does this help developers in identifying issues but it also facilitates data acquisition pertaining to what users like about the game and what can be dispensed with.

5. Leverage Outsourcing

Having an in-house development team can offer you enhanced control over your game development initiative, however, it isn’t always the most cost-effective or even the most efficient path to pursue. Consider the cost of maintaining an in-house development team when you aren’t working on a project.

Choosing to outsource your game design and development to a vetted game development outsourcing partner not only offers you the services of some of the very best professionals globally, it is also a lot cheaper than having an in-house team.

6. Consider creating a cross-platform game

Two of the most popular game stores are Play Store and App Store. While customers using iOS devices tend to spend more on applications, the sheer number of Android users helps apps/games launched on Google Play remain profitable.

At first, most game development initiatives were targeted at one of these two platforms, which meant that the owner of the game was missing out on a sizable audience. Thanks to cross-platform game development you can now launch your game on all platforms without having to build twice thus greatly reducing development costs while reaching a much wider audience.

7. Deploy Automation

Automating repetitive tasks is nothing to shy away from. Deploying an automated system to your game development initiative can not only reduce development timeframes significantly but can also help your project steer clear of the possibility of human error.

Automating tasks or (taking things a step further) utilizing AI for tasks like low-level coding, procedural level generation, and many other game development tasks can prove to be immensely profitable in the long run, by helping you save on both time and fiscal resources normally consumed.

How do Pricing Models Affect the Cost of Mobile Game Development

As mentioned earlier, outsourcing game development is becoming increasingly popular among businesses to maintain a competitive advantage.

The market today supports multiple engagement models offered by equally varied vendors. Here we detail the three most popular engagement models for game development outsourcing and how choosing the right one can reduce the overall cost of your game development initiative:

1. Fixed Cost Model

Apt for long-term engagement, the fixed cost team model provides game development professionals matched to the client’s demands of experience and skill set.

The advantages of the fixed cost model are:

  • Predefined budget
  • Variable scope for customizable requests
  • control over management
  • Teams focus on building vast data banks covering your enterprise’s target customer, positioning, and services, becoming a knowledge repository for future engagements
  • Lucid and continuous communication with the team

2. Dedicated Resource Hiring

Apt for project-based engagements, the dedicated resources hiring model provides technical experts working with the client’s in-house team.

The advantages of the dedicated resource hiring model are:

  • Outsourced members become an extension of the in-house team providing their experience and expertise to it
  • Faster time-to-market
  • Time-saving
  • Cost-effective
  • Higher trust levels and better teamwork

3. Hourly Time and Material

For long to mid-length engagements, the hourly time and material model takes on the entire onus of the development process, developers and project managers included, so that the client can focus on their core business.

The advantages of the hourly time and material model are:

  • Focus on core business
  • Adherence to deadlines
  • Short development time
  • Pay according to the resources consumed
  • Less risk of project underestimation
  • The responsibility for project deployment and completion lies completely with us

Because different projects have different requirements, many different kinds of contracts are available to choose from. That is also why there is no simple response to the question of which kind of contract to enter into.

According to an article published in the Harvard Business Review, “Full-time employees are the source of labor that is both the most expensive and the least flexible.” Because of this, savvy companies strategically use contract workers and outsourcing to fill gaps in expertise, meet fluctuating demand, and manage specific projects.

In Summation

The gaming industry has surged past Hollywood as the most popular form of entertainment. No longer a niche catering to home-bound hikikomori, gaming is now a worldwide phenomenon and the mobile platform has grown to the point where it can rub shoulders with its console and PC counterparts.

A well-developed and well-marketed game can result in sheer millions in revenue and can set the stage for many subsequent projects that can ride on the shoulders of the first cinch. But to develop an awesome mobile game, you need an awesome team.

What Can 300Mind Do for You?

With a team of vetted experts, experienced in tackling and crafting solutions for even the toughest game development issues, 300Mind stands as a vanguard of the mobile game development sphere. So, if you are looking for steadfast solutions for your game development services, 300Mind is your final destination!

At 300Mind, we believe that game development is both an art and a science and we have the perfect mixture of left and right-brained thinkers who leverage their expertise to render your mobile game vision in reality.

The post Tips to Help You Reduce Your Mobile Game Development Cost appeared first on 300Mind Blog.

How to Develop a Fully-fledged Mobile Game From Scratch? Thu, 06 Apr 2023 13:43:25 +0000 Are you looking to develop a mobile game and not sure how to start? You can learn everything about the mobile game development process and mistakes to avoid through this guide.

The post How to Develop a Fully-fledged Mobile Game From Scratch? appeared first on 300Mind Blog.

A game is no longer just a game when it becomes a part of our entertainment factor. We get to spot it on non-gaming-related products. It’s just not confined to our mobile game applications, it lives with us.

Whether popular game characters like Mario, Donkey Kong, Luigi (Mario’s slimmer and much weirder brother has a notable fan base of its own ), Bal Hanuman from Bal Hanuman game, Glenn from Chained Echoes, or Amicia from A Plague Tale: Requiem or renowned themes and soundtracks, a game becomes a part of our life.

But, have you ever wondered what makes the game reach this level of fame? It takes a lot of research and development, brainstorming sessions, creative arguments, and a lot more stuff that takes you to the path of a successful game.

Why Should You Invest in Mobile Game Development? (Market Overview)

According to SensorTower, the mobile gaming industry is projected to reach $138 billion by 2025.

As per Statista’s report, mobile game apps’ revenue is projected to show an annual compound growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027) of 7.36%, which has resulted in an expected market volume of US$419.70bn by 2027.

mobile game development market overview

Potential revenue from mobile gaming is growing rapidly and becoming quite lucrative. Hence, you can think about investing in a mobile gaming app if you want to take your company to the next level.

So, these are the most common insights about current market metrics and future predictions for the mobile game development industry.

What Kind of Game Applications are you Planning to Develop?

There are different types of games. You need to decide on what your type is and based on that you can proceed with mobile game development. Here we have executed 4 key types of games to help you decide:

1. Casual Games

Casual users are prone to spend irregular time periods actively engaged in the game. These kinds of games can be created in any genre, its market is comparatively larger.

Generally, these games are created with less complex rules and a simple tap-and-swipe interface, Subway Surfers and Cadycrush are prime examples of the same.

The audience of casual games is generally bigger, and the number of casual game downloads is pretty much higher than that of other kinds of games. 

2. Mid-core games

Mid-core games are a tad bit more complex than casual games, from the perspective of production as well as character development and overall gameplay. In such kinds of games, users have to put in more effort and dedication into the game.

As game development companies are generating a good amount of revenue from mid-core gaming applications, we can expect it to continue being one of the trends of game apps

3. Hard-core games

Hardcore games are for gamers who don’t consider games just as their hobby, they are serious gamers. Think of games like God of War Ragnarok, Loot River, Stray, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, and many others, they are typical hardcore games.

The audience of this kind of game category is generally youth and they spend incessantly longer periods of time playing games. 

Since such games take more than the usual period of time spent to become a master of it, thus these games tend to have generally higher user engagement.

4. AAA games

AAA are big-budget games and it requires a dedicated full-time team to work on it and produce such games. Similar hard-core games, they too call for ample time and commitment to get the hang of it.

Up until now, AAA games have primarily been launched for PC or console gaming. As smartphones and data streaming are still not well-suited for games categories like AAA, we will see bigger game titles released for mobile gaming super soon.

So, these were the top 4 categories of games. Games are generally divided into these 4 categories. Let’s move forward to learn about segments that will guide you to create a game from scratch.

How to Create Mobile Game from Scratch?

Mobile game development from scratch

In this section, you will learn in detail about the game app development process to develop a robust game that will be all set to welcome new trends in the gaming industry:

1. It all starts with an idea

mobile game idea

Having a great game idea is definitely helpful when it comes to game app development, as it can provide a strong foundation for the game’s concept and overall design. However, having a great idea alone is not enough to guarantee the success of the game app.

Game app development requires a combination of creative, technical, and business skills to bring an idea to life and make it successful. This includes designing engaging gameplay mechanics and creating high-quality graphics and sound effects and a lot more stuff that we will learn in detail further.   

Moreover, user feedback and market research play a crucial role in determining the success of a game app. This means that even if you have a great idea for a game, it’s important to test it with potential users and gather feedback to ensure that it resonates with your target audience and has the potential to be successful in the market.

2. Story Matters

We, humans, are prone to look for stories everywhere we go. As we are creating games for humans, then stories should be the prime element of your game. Think of games like Fruit Ninja; users enjoy playing it but it cannot keep them engaged for hours. They will surely think of switching to a different gaming activity as swiping left and right is not something that will make them stick to playing it for hours. 

So, while you are at the early stage of brainstorming, keep your team in the loop on this. Come up with creative storylines and shortlist the best. After testing it with your users, implement it in your game development process.  

3. Build a game concept 

build a game concept

Here are the following points to create a game concept: 

Determine the gameplay mechanics

Decide on the mechanics that will make up the core of your game. This includes controls, physics, AI behavior, level design, and more.

Define the game’s genre

Start by deciding what kind of game you want to create. Is it an action game, adventure game, puzzle game, or something else? This will help you determine the overall gameplay mechanics and design.

Identify the target audience

Determine who your game is intended for. Is it for casual gamers, hardcore gamers, or a specific age group? This will help you determine the game’s tone, visual style, and difficulty level.

Consider the platform

Determine which platforms you want to release your game on. This can influence the game’s design and mechanics, as well as its technical specifications.

4. Choose an apt mobile game platform and game engine

mobile game development engines

Your decision is solely based on two factors: your target audience and budget. More than 50% of the audience uses Android cell phones and the userbase of iOS is also pretty extensive. 

Choosing a single platform is nothing but launching your game for a limited market. If you want to improve the area of the reach of your game, you should opt for multi-platform development.

Moreover, choosing a single platform directly brings limitations in terms of the target market. If you want to expand your area of reach for your game, the best option for you is multi-platform development. 

Backend technology and the game development engine are the shelters of your game while the game app development process. There are many platforms like Unity 3D for 3D graphics and Unreal Engine. 

Read Also: Unity vs Unreal Engine: Which One is Best For Your Game?

5. Time to Develop a Game Design Document

game design document

A game design document is a comprehensive document that outlines the various aspects of the video game, including concept, mechanics, story, characters, levels, gameplay, art style, audio, and user interface. It serves as a blueprint for the game development team and provides a detailed plan for the project’s execution. 

A mainstream GDD includes information about the target audience, game genre, game world, gameplay mechanics, level design, character design, user interface, and marketing strategy. It may also include technical details, such as programming language, software requirements, and hardware specifications. 

The purpose of a GDD is to communicate the vision and goals of the game to the development team and stakeholders, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal. It can also serve as a reference point for the team throughout the development process, helping them stay on track and make informed decisions about the game’s design and development.

6. Create a game structure

create a game structure

Your game must have a factor of attraction, its key to gaining users’ attention and ultimately is good for sales. A game structure is a blend of various elements, like the characters, the texture, the environment, and all the objects, etc. 

Apart from that, the games are processed for 2D and 3D design to polish your game’s visuals. 

7. Create a game wireframe

create a game wireframe

A wireframe is a visual representation of the basic layout and functionality of a game’s user interface or a level’s layout. It is typically created during the mobile game design process as a means of conceptualizing the game’s interface or level design it is implemented. 

A wireframe is a simplified version of the final design and typically consists of basic shapes, lines, and text, without any actual visual assets or graphic design elements. It serves as a framework for the game’s interface or level layout, showing the placement of various elements, such as buttons, menus, text boxes, and interactive elements, and the relationship between them. 

Game wireframes are useful for identifying potential problems with the game’s design and allowing for changes to be made early in the development process. They are also helpful for communicating the design vision to the development team, stakeholders, and other members of the development process.

8. Develop a mobile game

develop a mobile game

Once you are done with the prototype and it’s approved, you are all set to begin with actual mobile game app development process. 

You can begin the game app development process for all the platforms that you want to target with the usage of all the necessary tools like Unity, Blender, Unreal Engine, Robolox, Adobe Illustrator, Sketch, Figma, and so on. 

9. Time to test your game

mobile game testing

Now that you are done with the development phase, it’s high time to get it tested for bug-fixing. 

By launching the beta version and playing it on different devices, you can test the mobile game. As a result, you will discover numerous bugs, which can be fixed, so your game can be developed to perfection.

10. Opt for the most suitable Monetization Strategy

mobile game monetization strategy

Here we are presenting 5  most used and workable game app monetization strategies, let’s take a look: 

In-app Purchases

This is one of the most popular monetization strategies for game developers. In-app purchases allow players to buy virtual goods, power-ups, and other features that enhance their gameplay experience. By offering these virtual goods, game developers can generate revenue from players who are willing to pay for additional features and benefits.


Game developers can offer players a subscription model that unlocks additional content or features. Players pay a recurring fee, typically on a monthly or yearly basis, to access these benefits.


In this app monetization model, players pay a one-time fee to download the game app. This model works best for games that have a high perceived value or are part of an established franchise with an extensive fanbase. 


Crowdfunding is a newer monetization model that allows game developers to raise funds from their fans and supporter to develop and launch a game. Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo are popular for game developers to gain early funding. 


Advertising is another popular game app monetization strategy. Developers can generate revenue by displaying ads within their games. They can use various ad formats such as banner ads, interstitial ads, or rewarded ads. With rewarded ads, players are rewarded for watching an ad, which can be an effective way to monetize a game app without disrupting the gameplay experience.

11. Cross your fingers and release your game

release your mobile game

Now that you have performed every required step, it’s time to cross your fingers and release your game. 

But launching the game comes up with different challenges. In order to be accepted by the respective app stores, your game must meet their standards. Your game will be reviewed by the app store’s review team, and once they approve, your game will go live on the store so users can download it.

12. Support and Maintenance

mobile game support and maintenance

Well, as we all know, launching the game is not the final destination; the process never cease to finish. You have to keep on maintaining your game application by conducting regular audits and taking feedback from your users. Based on reviews, you have got to maintain your application and release regular updates. 

6 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Mobile Game App Development Process

mobile game development mistakes

Here are common mistakes you must while the gaming development process:

1. Inadequate planning

Lack of proper planning can lead to delays, cost overruns, and a subpar final product. It’s important to create a detailed project plan that outlines every aspect of the game app development process, including timelines, budget, resources, and milestones.

2. Focusing too much on graphics

While high-quality graphics are important for a game app, they are not the only thing that matters. It’s essential to focus on creating engaging gameplay, designing a user-friendly interface, and developing interesting game mechanics.

3. Ignoring user feedback

User feedback is crucial for creating a successful game app. Ignoring user feedback can result in a game that fails to attract and retain users. It’s important to regularly solicit user feedback and use it to improve the game app.

4. Overcomplicating the game

It’s important to keep the game simple and easy to understand, especially for casual gamers. Overcomplicating the game with too many features or complex gameplay mechanics can be overwhelming and turn off users.

5. Neglecting game performance

A poorly optimized game app can result in slow loading times, crashes, and other performance issues that can frustrate users. It’s important to optimize the game app for performance, including graphics, sound, and code.

6. Rushing to release

While it’s important to launch the game app quickly to capitalize on market opportunities, rushing to release can result in a subpar product that fails to attract users. It’s important to take the time to develop and test the game app thoroughly before launching it.

Wrapping Statement

So, this was all from our side about mobile game app development. We have tried to cover every important detail related to mobile game app development for you to carry out a seamless app development process. Cheers!

Why Should You Hire 300Mind for Your Next Game Development?

We strive hard and bring out the best results or should we rather say desired results? As you can see our hard work behind on-point graphics and animation of the games along with outstanding sound effects.

From creative game design strategies to extensive development, it all comes under our umbrella of services. We have got many clients recommending our game development services as we have a proficient team of developers working dedicatedly for our clientele.

So, if you are looking for a game development partner then 300Mind can be a great fit for you.

FAQs on Mobile Game Development

How much does it cost to create a game development application?

A game development cost mainly depends on the following factors: game design, technology stack, hired team, market trends, 2D and 3D design, the complexity of the game, game category, and all other relevant factors that determine the final cost of game development.

What is the best game engine for mobile game development?

Engines like Unity, Unreal Engine, Roblox, Godot, GameMaker, and many other prominent engines are often used in mobile game app development.

How to earn high profits from mobile game apps?

You can opt for the game app monetization strategies that we have mentioned above for your help. Following those strategies will definitely help you gain desired revenue from your gaming app.

The post How to Develop a Fully-fledged Mobile Game From Scratch? appeared first on 300Mind Blog.
