Dhruv Mevada, Author at 300Mind

WRITTEN BY Dhruv Mevada

Dhruv Mevada is a technical head (Game) with more than 10 years of experience in 2D & 3D gaming/console gaming/AR/VR game design and development. He loves to explore the bleeding edge tech stuff. He is an early adopter and would like to stay up to date regarding latest trends in Industry. In his free time he can be found exploring nature.

game concept art

Game Concept Art: A Comprehensive Analysis

Without great concept art, a game could feel unpolished and incomplete to even the most casual gamer. This article takes a closer look at game concept art as a discipline and why it is so crucial to the success of your game.

stylized vs hyper-realistic

Stylized vs Hyper-Realistic: Which is Better for Game Art Design

It can be challenging to decide on the art style for your game; there are advantages and disadvantages on both sides. In this post, we'll focus on the stylized vs. hyper-realistic game art debate.

mobile game art design guide

How to Design Engaging Game Art That Elevates Mobile Gaming Experience?

The visual style sets benchmarks for players’ commitment to the game. Hence, your game’s visual aesthetics should take your game design in a much more meaningful and storytelling way that elevates your gamers’ excitement level to cloud nine.

Mobile Game Design

The Mobile Game Design You Never Knew – Detailed Guide!

For better or worse, the mobile gaming business has evolved significantly over the past decade, forging its own design identity. Even the statistics revealed that mobile gaming now accounts for 52% of all worldwide game revenue in 2021, by far the largest gaming market.
